A View of My Garden in a Mirror 2010

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I've lost that blogging feeling......

Holy Jumping Up and Down Martha! I haven't posted since the middle of April! But I realized that had to change when I saw several people outside my house taking pictures of an attention grabbing (to put it mildly) plant. I have been swamped with so many things that I can't even begin to explain them all. I will share a few this summer as they progress. Anyway....back to the plant that is getting all the attention in my neighborhood. Take a look a this doozy! I feel like I should throw a blanket over it when little kids walk by!

 This plant is called a Dracunculus vulgaris. If I was still a kid my Mom would be washing my mouth out with soap right now! I planted two of these bulbs last fall and didn't expect them to survive since most the time the "exotic" plants seem to be all $$ and no show. I do believe I got my money's worth with this one (and then some!) Very interesting....do you think I should move it to the back yard for next year??? Yikes! It's embarrassing!

 Here is another shot in case you didn't capture the gravity of this plant from the first picture.

Well then, so I can end on a less vulgar note, here are some pictures of the snap dragons that I was amazed and pleased to see come back this year in abundance! I believe they are the rocket mix variety.

Cheers to the imminent arrival of summer!!